Sunday, 7 May 2017

Anzac Day

Room 10's poem last week was called 'Poppy, Poppy' so as a class we talked about what we already knew about Anzac Day .
We learnt that poppies were the first to grow in the mud and soil of Flanders where many solider's died. 

We learnt that A.N.Z.A.C stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps.

We made Anzac biscuits at school and they were delicious.

We also traced around our hand and added some colour to make a Room 10 poppy to remember all the soldiers that died in the wars.


  1. Your HUGE hand poppy looked fantastic. You are very lucky to have baked ANZAC biscuits Room 10!
    From Mrs Burge

  2. The baking looks like fun and I love the poem.
